Cherry Valley Planning Board Meeting - Revised June 16, 2020
Present - Lorraine, Ellen, Karen, Lisa, Tracy Visitors - Dennis, Thomas McCarthy 7:34 meeting to order March, April and May - no meeting, - Tom McCarthy attending to discuss his plan. Patricia Keegan telephoned by Lorraine. Discuss division of Tom’s property. Dividing property for estate purposes with no intention at this time to build. Passed around SEQRA form to review. Original property Motion to accept SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) form . Karen made motion and Lisa seconded. Motion to approve application - Lisa motion, Ellen seconded. Lorraine signed the mylars. Paid application fee. SEQRA form . Karen made motion and Lisa seconded. State Environmental Quality Review Act By-Laws - need to do an amendment changing voting members from January to December. Will do in July. Talked about in February meeting. Discussion about inability to find Land Use Law on line - Holly Waterman will be updating site. Motion to adjourn - Lisa, seconded by Ellen Adjourned at 8:25 p.m...