
Showing posts from July, 2020

Cherry Valley Planning Board Meeting July 21, 2020

 Appearances: Lorraine, Tracy, Lisa, Karen Visitors: Dennis Laughlin, Howard Young Meeting called at 7:35 by Lorraine Howard has two parcels to subdivide 37 acres - Matt and Melissa Richards. Kevin Yerdon surveyed. Second property on Route 20, Kilmeier homestead. Will have business. Lisa motion to approve preliminary sketch. Karen seconded. Review January meeting January minutes already approved Review February minutes Motion to accept February minutes by Lisa, second by Karen Motion to accept preliminary request - Karen, seconded by Lorraine, approved Regarding solar - need language that rules binding successors, clean up etc. June minutes approved with minor modification made. Brian Butts - request to parcel / build residence to care for elderly relatives No response to request to solar people for additional information. Discussion regarding solar laws Discussion of By-Laws - changes made in February Suggestion to ask Marty Fields to join Town Planning Board By-Laws - moving c...