Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Agenda January 17, 2024 7:00pm Community Room at the Old School 1. Roll Call: 2. Review and approval of last month ’ s Planning Board Minutes: 3. Communications: a. Email: Steve Pasternak i. Potential subdivision and required minimum sq. ft. of house? b. Email: Susan Pitely, of NY DOT – inquiring on old railroad bridge over U.S Rt. 20 i. Emailed back stating we were unaware of any village/town trails. Did mention potential snowmobile trail. 4. New Business: 5. Old Business: a. Caleb Wertenbaker, of Glensfoot Farm LLC- Major Subdivision request. ~58 acres w/ outbuilding on Rt. 54 i. All paperwork has been submitted. ii. Public Hea...
Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Meeting Notes November 15, 2023 7:00pm Community Room at the Old School Meeting was called to order 07:01pm 1. Roll Call: Cierra Utter, Dave Cornelia, Ellen LaSalle, Lorraine Bosma, Bill Compton Excused absence: Frank McGrath 2. Review of last month’s Planning Board Minutes: Meeting notes were not available for this meeting and will be reviewed at the next meeting. As Frank is excused from the meeting, Cierra appointed Lorraine to act as secretary for this meeting. 3. Communications: a. Email: Crystal Bentley – Paradise Energy Solutions needs a Certification of Completion. As the CV Planning Board does not have oversite of this project, it is not able to issue a Certification of Completion. It is recommended that Crystal be referred to the County Planning Board and or Codes. Frank has given her this informat...
Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Agenda Special Meeting- Glensfoot LLC /Pressley Major Subdivision January 17, 2024 6:45pm Community Room at the Old School 1. Roll Call: 2. Glensfoot Farm LLC/Pressly Major Subdivision Request. a. 58.00-1.1.01 b. ~58 acres w/ outbuilding on Rt. 54 c. All required paperwork complete and submitted. 3. Privilege of the Floor:
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