Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Minutes

Old School Community Room.   Date:        03-16-2022


1. Call to Order at:    7: 06 pm by Chairperson Lorraine Bosma

Roll Call: Present were Lorraine Bosma, Chairperson, Cierra Utter, Deputy Chairperson, Frank McGrath, Secretary,  Ellen LaSalle, Lisa Hershey Heinrich, Karen Walker, Dave Cornelia, and Marianne Scully.




2. Review past Minutes of February 15, 2022

Changes/Corrections: spelling

Motion to accept      Feb. 15, 2022  by Lisa Hershey Heinrich, seconded by Frank McGrath, unanimously voted.         Ayes   7   Nays        0       



3. Communications:

          a. John Weisman:  wants to erect 3 sheds for personal use/hunting.  No septic planned.  Land  abutting motor-cross property on CR 50.   No issues involving CVJPB.



4. New Business:  

          a. Solar project at the school:  Green Street Power Partners (GSPP) want to submit new lease for 10 acres of CV-S school property for solar project.  They questioned if the acreage could be bigger given the MW they want to produce.  CV solar law stipulates projects cannot be any bigger than 10 acres, but NYS can overrule and allow bigger projects.  No plan for CVJPB  to approve a variance.

          b. Training Tuesday May 17th:  reminder.  5-8:30pm. Meadows Office Complex or online Webinar.  Lorraine, Lisa live session; Frank, Karen, Cierra online webinar

          c. Comprehensive Planning for the Village:  begin with draft comp. plan from 2010.  Need to decide on strategy for review (one large committee, sub-committees for sections, etc.).  Review previous survey.


5. Old Business

          a. Town of Cherry Valley website update:  Lorraine and Frank will meet with Amy on Monday at 10am about Village website updates.  Will then arrange time to meet with MaryBeth about town website updates.

          b. Need to update meeting schedule:  New meeting day needs to be posted on websites. CVJPB meeting will be the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm


6. Privilege of the Floor:


7. Activities to be accomplished before next Meeting date: 

    Begin to review the 2010 draft of the village comprehensive plan

    Review the survey used in 2010 and suggest revisions

    Look at ideas/strategies for how to go about developing a (village) comprehensive plan

    Lorraine will check with county for options on helping with developing comprehensive plan


Motion to adjourn by Karen  Walker, seconded by Lisa Hershey Heinrich.  Meeting adjourned at:     8:10pm


Submitted by  Frank McGrath                 


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