August Meeting Minutes

 Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Minutes (Agenda below)
Old School Community Room. Date: August 17,2022

T = Town V=Village TA= Town Alternate VA= Village Alternate Ab= Absent

1. Call to Order At: 7:08 pm By: Lorraine Bosma, Chair

Roll Call:

Lorraine Bosma T[ x ] Ellen LaSalle T[ x ] Frank McGrath T[x ] Lisa Hersey Heinrich T[ Ab ]

Karen Walker V[ Ab ] Dave Cornelia V[ x ] Cierra Utter V[ x ]

Tracy Donavan Laughlin TA[ Ab ] Marianne Scully VA[ Ab ] William Compton VA[ Ab ]


2. Review past Minutes of

Changes/Corrections - None

Motion to accept by C. Utter , 2nd D. Cornelia Ayes 5 Nays 0

3. Communications: See Agenda below

4. New Business:

     a. Small Business Revitalization Grant - June Barwick to get email from Lorraine

     b. Fall Planning/Zoning School Application - to review

     c. NYSERTA Clean Energy Communities - Explore possibilities, tools, and resources as possible
community effort to be included in comprehensive plan description.

     d. Ken Mann SEQR form submitted and approved: Motion by F. McGrath 2nd. E. LaSalle 5-0

Mylar Submitted: Motion by C. Utter 2nd. D. Cornelia 5-0

5. Old Business
    a. CV-S Solar Project update: project appears stalled with no new information
    b. G-mail accounts are mostly active
    c. Investigating better internet access in community room in order to conduct business more
efficiently with documents available.

    d. Comprehensive Planning for Village:

* Surveys (print and electronic) are ready to be distributed. Looking at most efficient and cost
effective methods to distribute to residents.

* Review of edited “History” section of previous comprehensive plan moving along.


6. Privilege of the Floor:

7. Activities to be accomplished before next Meeting date:

* continue to review “History” section

Motion to adjourn by C.Utter ; 2nd by D. Cornelia Meeting adjourned at: 8:48 pm

Submitted by Frank McGrath


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