November Meeting Minutes
DRAFT Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Minutes
Old School Community Room. Date: Wednesday 11-16-20221. Call to Order At: 7:04 pm By: L. Bosma
Roll Call:
Lorraine Bosma T[ x ] Ellen LaSalle T[ x ] Frank McGrath T[ x ] Lisa Hershey Heinrich T[ A ]
Karen Walker V[ A ] Dave Cornelia V[ x ] Cierra Utter V[ x ]
Marianne Scully VA[ A ] William Compton VA[ A ]
2. Review past Minutes of 2022-10-19
Changes/Corrections. Add Phil Durkin presentation
Motion to accept by C. Utter , 2nd. D. Cornelia Ayes 5 Nays 0
3. Communications:
a. Sean Gerrity, Seaboard Solar: Requested meeting regarding solar farm exception to ordinance.
4. New Business:
a. Reminder of December annual meeting and election of officers
5. Old Business
a. Ken Smith subdivision update. They will be sending letters to neighbors. Will be returning to the
CVPB with document
B. Comp Survey distribution - send 1 page from USPS to make residents aware
-reasons why survey and encourage completion
-where survey can be accessed on line
-where survey can be picked up for paper copy
6. Privilege of the Floor:
7. Activities to be accomplished before next Meeting date:
Census data, issues, goals and recommendations
Motion to adjourn by Cierra ; 2nd by Ellen Meeting adjourned at: 8:16 pm
Submitted by Frank McGrath
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