October Meeting Minutes

 Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Cherry Valley Joint Planning Board Minutes
Old School Community Room. Date: 10-19-2022

1. Call to Order At: 7:07 pm By: L. Bosma

Roll Call:

Lorraine Bosma T[x ] Ellen LaSalle T[ x ] Frank McGrath T[ x ] Lisa Hersey Heinrich T[ A ]

Karen Walker V[ A ] Dave Cornelia V[ x ] Cierra Utter V[ x ]

Tracy Donavan Laughlin TA[ ] Marianne Scully VA[ ] William Compton VA[ x ]


Ken Smith

Philip Durkin

2. Review past Minutes of 09-21-2022. NO MEETING. NO QUORUM


Motion to accept by , 2nd Ayes Nays 0

3. Communications:

    a. Michael Bradley (Verizon) - regarding improving cell service with Verizon regarding new cell tower

4. New Business:

    a. Ken Smith property: wants to keep barn but sell other property. Barn site is less than an acre (.4)
and would need a waiver to sell as residential

Would reword deed indicating subdivision could not be a residence now or in the future unless property
acreage increases.

Motion to approve by C. Utter; 2nd by E. LaSalle Motion Approved 6-0
    b. Philip Durkin presented information regarding land use for trail vehicles on several parcels of land on CR

5. Old Business

    a. Solar project at school- new company contact but was informed of local Solar ordinance

6. Privilege of the Floor:

7. Activities to be accomplished before next Meeting date:

 Send copy of Verizon Cell tower proposal

 Copy of Ken Smith proposal for land sale

 Lorraine to USPS inquiring about direct mail

 Rewrite Vision Statement and review “Visual Characteristics of Village” section up to Section III A.

Motion to adjourn by C. Utter ; 2nd by D. Cornelia Meeting adjourned at: 8:57 pm

Motion approved

Submitted by Frank McGrath


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